Time To Design
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  • Web You're So Special scren shot
    You're So Special
    This was a group project in my web production team class. YSS is a small family ran Cheer leading uniform provider in Smyrna. My role in the project was to complete the Information Architecture, coding of first three pages and graphics.

    Tools: Dream Weaver, Flash, Photoshop CS


    Concept (700KB)

    IA (616KB)

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    Web WHS Alumni screen shot
    Westwood High School Alumni
    Westwood High School Alumni, This website was created for alumni of Westood/Westlake Highschools to keep in touch with former classmates. The school is located in Atlanta Georgia. It is the first successful attempt to create an alumni specific website.

    Tools: Hand coded template editing, Illustrator CS, Photoshop CS, Dreamweaver, Flash
    Launch Project
    Web keepsakes
    Designs by Ogletree3
    (E-Commerce Site)
    The Client requested a total redesign of her E-Commerce website to help increase sales. The old website was very dated and used non web standard table design and coding. The unique keepsake gifts appeal to women of all ages and make perfect gifts for weddings, brides, bride maids and graduations.

    Tools: Hand Coded, PHP, Java Script, Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS
    Launch Project
    Web 1108 Catering
    Eleven O Eight Catering
    Flash based catering project for freelance client. Client requested a high end design to market, sell and promote his catering business online.

    This site required some advanced use of Action Script programing Flash skills along with setting up a PHP Data Base function to organize and manage online orders and emails.

    Tools: Flash, Hand Coded, Photoshop, Illustrator
    Launch Project
    Web Carlsbad Caverns screen shot
    HMS Watches e-commerce prototype
    H.M.S (Hours Minuets Seconds) Watches is a e-commerce protype store class project, that simulates a click through structure for a possible real world store design. The projects gives student practical knowledge of advance java script coding functions critical in creating such a website...
    pdf :: .doc
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    Web (Flash) Care for a buzzard screen shot
    How to care for a buzzard (Flash)
    This was a class project exercise using basic action script and drawing tools in flash. The project also illustrates my illustration skill and style.

    Tools: Flash, Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS


    Concept (152k)
    Launch Project
    Web Utmost Realtor Properties
    Welcome Home (Utmost Realtor Prorperties)
    Freelance project to create a personal home sales website for an independent Real Estate Agent. The client requested a website that was uniqe from the corporate norm in order to help draw in new potential home buyers and increase commissions.

    Tools:Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS, Dreamweaver, CSS


    Concept (152k)
    Launch Project