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  • Graphics Lawn Mower
    Business Card Design
    Client needed a unique business card to express his family business and lawn care specailty of industrial design.

    Other marketing pieces will include a website and flyer materials.

    Tools: Photoshop CS, Adobe IndDesign

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    Graphics Library Card
    Library Information Card
    Work for hire. Wallet size Library Information Card to promote new online research services.

    The project shows illustration design and print production skills.Tools: InDesign CS, Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS

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    Graphics DET
    District Education Team (DET)
    Work for hire. Print layout and design Federal Reserve Bank 6th District teachers education seminars.

    Post card designs for mass mail-out to teachers and educators within the Banks 6th District. Seminars involved teaching financial lessons to grade school children.

    Tools: QuarkXpress, Photoshop CS, Adobe Illustrator

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    Graphics Reynolds Town Brochure
    Reynoldstown Summer Theatre Festival Brochure
    Work for hire project for the Federal Rerserve Bank of Atlanta.

    The advertising campaign called for a unique and small hand held brocure of festival information.

    The final solution was a 3-pannel folded brochure.

    Tools: QuarkXpress, Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS

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    Graphics Coy Community Brochure
    Community Services Brochure
    Freelance client and community leader requested a brochure of services being provided in a newly built community center.

    A total of 10,000 prints were distributed which helped increase membership and participation in the new center.

    Tools: QuarkXpress, Photoshop CS

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    Graphics Aramark Comment Cards
    Aramark Survey Cards
    Designed survey and promotional cards for freelance client to be distributed and displayed in the company's affiliate business cafeterias in the Atlanta area.

    Tools: QuarkXpress, Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS

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    Graphics Walker Stationary
    Stationary Design

    Client requested a personal stationary design for a family reunion.

    Stationary announcements incorporated a beautiful southern style picture of an elder relative.

    The envelopes and stationary were also used as gifts for reunion attendees.

    Tools: Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS

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    Graphics Book Cover Simple Poison
    Simple Poison Book Cover Design
    Book cover design for a fictional horror story (student work).

    Tools: QuarkXpress, Illustrator CS

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    Graphics Troy Falcon Movie Poster
    Posterized Movie Poster Illustration:
    This fictional movie poster illustration was done using posterization.

    Shapes that define a photo are traced and colorized for a unique effect.

    (student work).

    Tools: Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS

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    Graphics Swing CD Cover
    Swing Back CD Cover Design:
    Poster and CD cover jacket design illustration.

    Project pays tribute to the retro swing dance style and big bands of the 1940's (student work).

    Tools: Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS

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